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NHRTI (formerly TDRC) Donates to Cholera Centre

To mark International Women’s Day, the National Health Research and Training Institute (formerly TDRC) donated cholera prevention supplies valued at over K30,000 to the Ndola Cholera Treatment Centre at Ndeke Mini-Hospital. The items, including hand sanitizer and granule chlorine, were handed over by TDRC Deputy Director Dr. Ray Handema to District Health Director Dr. Francis Liwali.

Dr. Handema emphasized TDRC’s role in cholera research, highlighting studies on water disinfection that validated chlorine’s effectiveness in preventing cholera and other diarrheal diseases. He stated that TDRC only endorses scientifically proven solutions.

TDRC Board Secretary, Mrs. Martha Kashala Tembo, emphasized  that TDRC women sacrificed part of their Women’s Day budget to support the district’s cholera prevention efforts. She also highlighted that the donated hand sanitizer was developed by women scientists in TDRC’s SADCAS-accredited Microbiology laboratory, led by Mrs. Ngula Monde Kabelenga. The alcohol-based sanitizer, made following WHO-recommended formulations, has been laboratory-tested and shown to inactivate various pathogens effectively.

Dr. Francis Liwali expressed gratitude for the donation and encouraged more organizations to support efforts to combat the cholera outbreak in the district.

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